Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Handbook of Polymer Foam Technology

Polymer (Plastics) Foam Technologies Handbook (in Pdf format)

Handbook of Plastic Foam - Types, Properties, Manufacture, Applications
This book has following table of content:
Introduction about foam structures, foam manufacturing, gases used for foaming.
Thermosetting Foams - Urethane Foam, Syntactic Foam, Phenolic Foams, etc. Their Properties, Manufacturing, Additives used in it...
Thermoplastic Foams - Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polystyrene, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Vinyl Polymers, etc. Foams, Their Properties, Manufacturing, Additives, etc.
Elastomer Foams - Sponge, Cellular Rubber - Neoprene, Silicon Foams with their properties, gases (Additives), etc.
Speciality Foams - Epoxy foam, Polyester Foam, Urea Formaldehyde foam, Polybenzimidazole foam, Polyimide foam, Polyphosphazine foam, Syntactic foam, etc with their properties, specifications, etc.
Solvents, Cements, & Adhesives used for bonding Foams
Additives, fillers & reinforcements for foams
Method of manufacture
Test Methods
All these great information available in the handbook.....
GO and have it....
Click Here to Download it...

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Brothers In Arms: Gameloft - N-Gage 2.0 Game

Brothers In Arms: Gameloft - N-gage 2.0 Game

Those of you expecting the same innovations as you would find on Halo (on the XBox or PC) might be in for a disappointment. But that's a good thing, because the N-Gage platform needs a simpler control system. There's an argument that modern first person shooters on consoles can be insanely complex, with two analogue sticks needed just to move you around and look, then all the buttons hanging off and used in combinations that are more complicated than a shadow puppet of the Golden Gate Bridge.
What you have in Brothers in Arms is a simple control set. Left/Right/Forward/Backward on the cursor, sidestepping with a pair of number keys, and hitting ‘0' to aim your rifle by peering down the barrel - being World War Two, there are no telescopic sights or laser guided bullets. You want a better view, you have to get closer.
And here's where Brothers in Arms makes best use of the Nseries platform, because the graphics are about as good as you can make them on a QVGA screen, with the technology available. You have to remember that this is on a mobile phone, with limited power and processor cycles, so no putting it next to an HD game on your 42 inch plasma TV; take that into consideration and the graphics here are impressive. I'm not going to say they're jaw dropping, amazing, or the best on a mobile platform, mainly because the look of the game seems very reminiscent of Ashen on the original N-Gage and N-Gage QD. What I will say is that everything is clear and understandable, you can tell buildings, tanks, terrains, friend or foe apart easily.
This is meant to be combat, fast, furious, with strategic moving around terrain, taking cover as needed, circling around the enemy to shoot them in the back before they see you.
Brothers in Arms provides absolutely none of that. You run at one speed and there's no sense of urgency. When you're being shot at and running for cover, things happen at the same speed as when you're ambling down a country lane at the end of a level. There's no adrenaline rush as the bullets start flying overhead.

Brothers in Arms actually works well on a mobile. Sure it's not a deep game, with tactics or thinking required. Neither is it a complex 3D shooter with sculpted landscapes, deformable terrain, and massive areas to explore. It's effectively a shoot-em up. Dodge the occasional bullet, go where you need to, press fire and use up your infinite supply of ammo. It plays well, it looks good, and you do get a feeling of wanting to finish just one more level.
Well, the reviews about the game is good enough to atleast try this game out.

This is actually one of my favorite games so I am uploading it here.
This game is cracked by Binpda and unfortunately works on s60v3 feature pack 9.1 mobile phones.....
There is no solution yet to play this game on higher version operating system phones ...

Ofcourse, as it is cracked this game will only work on hacked phones. So hack your phone before installing the game or else it will show file is corrupted.
Here is the tutorial about how to hack s60v3 nokia phones with Hello- OX mobile application.
To view this tutorial Click Here.

Download this game using following link: Click Here

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ONE : N-gage 2.0 s60v3 Game

Digital Legends: ONE for N-gage 2.0 cracked Binpda...

The second 'One' (for the new N-Gage platform phones) is actually better than the first 'One' (for the original N-Gage). While the debate over Highlander II: The Quickening will rage for years, the improvements made by Digital Legends in the 3-d Fighting game for the N-Gage platform is all up on the screen, and kills the opposition stone dead.
And that takes some doing, because the original N-Gage 'One' was close to being one of the best fighting beat-em-ups on a mobile platform... ever. Looking back on that review (where it scored an impressive 83), there's a lot of things said then that are true now. The main one that caught my eye is in the opening paragraph. Then, One was being heralded as the saviour of the N-Gage, and to a certain extent it was, being in a wave of first party titles that proved the N-Gage concept.

Now, it's not so vital, as the Next Gen N-Gage platform is a little bit more varied, and has critically lauded titles, mainstream titles, and third party developers lining up to do a second wave of releases and development. So One is not as pivotal this time around, but it's certainly a title that those following the N-Gage been waiting over. Delayed countless times, now it's final here, is it worth the wait?


The first thing that hits you are the graphics. There's been a lot of heated discussion, to put it mildly, on whether N-Gage can 'work' without using a 3D Chip, and One is going to make the two camps further apart. Some will point to One and say, well how much better-looking than that do you want a mobile game to be? Others will talk about the cost in CPU time, and that it could look 'even better' if a separate chip was doing all the triangle drawing.

Finally, most people will do most of their 'One' adventure in the story mode - this takes your character around the world, introducing first the idea of an underground 'winner takes all' competition to find the 'one' best fighter, but also gives you steadily more impressive AI opponents to fight, and unlockable clothes and items to customise your fighter on screen. As you go along, this also brings up your score, and rather like ELO chess rankings, you'll get more points for defeating a better fighter than you, and less points if you're expected to win. This means that just because you have a ninja fighter in the later stages, it's not so easy to amass the points you need by grinding out fights on lower opponents - and you'll need those points as they are the online 'currency' of One.

Setting yourself up for online play is easy - just let the Arena know your location, and your fighter data is uploaded to the service. Going online after that will upload the score of your fighter, and allow this to be compared to others for the global ranking.

There's no online fighting (more's the pity), this is only available over Bluetooth with local opponents. I'm guessing there are latency issues trying to fight online, but the ability to compare yourself with anyone else in a realistic way is a great addition, and of course means there will always be someone at the top of the table as the best of the best for people to aim for. And that one person is going to have to work hard to stay there. It's well suited to mobile gaming, implemented well, and is sure to add to the longevity of a game built around 90 second fights.

Right then, time for the bit that many will not like to hear. This game is a technical marvel, and it's surprisingly effective when compared to other modern beat em ups, especially those on other mobile platforms. It's also definitely an improvement on the original in many respects.

But it's going to miss out on our rare Mega-game award by the smallest of margins. The fighting genre is one that does not have mass appeal, and there's little in the way of introduction for the casual gamer to allow them to be immersed into the game world in the way that, say, Reset Generation has managed. Is there a good reason why 'training mode' is not available in the demo? I'm still not convinced that generic phone keypads are suited for any game which looks and acts like a console game - and make no bones about it, One is console quality - but a console where you have to use a TV remote control rather than a dedicated gaming controller.

Download this game using following link:
Click Here
This game is cracked by BinPDA and can only work in hacked s60v3 phones.
Tutorial about how to hack your phone: Click Here
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Friday, April 23, 2010

Asphalt 3 : Street Rules N-Gage 2.0

Asphalt 3 : Street Rules N-Gage 2.0 cracked by BinPDA
Asphalt 3 is the follow-up to the Asphalt series of games from the first generation N-Gage and the Nintendo DS. This is a third party title from Gameloft, who specialise in phone games and have supported N-Gage since its first generation. (The Asphalt brand is also used on Java titles from Gameloft, but these aren't really the same games, they just have similar names and themes.). The Asphalt games are arcade racers, i.e. they're not realistic in the slightest. Their purpose isn't to simulate driving, but to let you pretend you're in a car chase from films like "The Fast And The Furious", doing ridiculously over-the-top driving that would never be possible in real life. The gameplay revolves around illegal street racing, and the emphasis is firmly on doing stuff you shouldn't do: knocking other cars off the road, driving too fast, smashing into crates etc. The score you get for a race is far more influenced by what you do during the race than where you finish in the race, so if you come first but do very little else then you'll get a very low score.To get by in Asphalt 3 you have to master two things: nitro boosts and "drifting". In general you should drift on every corner and use nitro boosts on every straight, which if done carefully should get you to the head of the pack fairly quickly. Nitros can be picked up from certain points on the track, and they can also be earned by drifting and other activities.Of course illegal activity means the police will be after you, and if you do too many bad things you'll see a police badge on the screen to indicate that a police car or bike are on your tail. If they catch you there's a hefty penalty to pay, so you can either try to outrun them or nudge them off the road, both of which earn you bonuses. Illegal activity also attracts the attention of news helicopters and you'll sometimes find yourself looking through the camera of a news report, which means you briefly have to steer the car from above (rather like the original gen N-Gage game Glimmerati).

There are a total of five game modes which can be unlocked, covering a variety of contrasting gameplay styles: -

Race: A straightforward three lap contest to get to the finish line, you earn the most money from bonuses on the track but you have to finish in the top 3 to keep the money.
Beat 'Em All: The most aggressive mode, you have to push six other racers or police cars off the track before you've done three laps.
Cop Chase: The roles are reversed, you control a police car and your task is to catch the leader of some street racers. Hitting innocent cars costs you points, but at least you don't have to worry about police trying to catch you for speeding. - Vs: You race against one other car to reach the finish line after two laps. - Cash Attack: You have to earn over $20,000 from various bonuses by the end of three laps. If you earn less than this, you lose the race. One major snag in this mode is that if you lose it doesn't tell you how much you did earn, so you've no idea how much you lost by, making it very difficult to chart your progress.

You can download this game using following link:
Please note that, this game is cracked by BinPDA and can only work in hacked s60v3 phones.
Tutorial about how to hack your phone: Click Here
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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fifa 2009: EA Sports N-gage 2.0

Fifa 2009: EA Sports N-Gage 2.0 Cracked s60v3

EA Sports games have a long history of being reissued each year, with newly updated databases, stats and information about the teams, players or other tweakable areas. This yearly update is also a great chance to do some bug fixes, improve the overall gaming experience, and generally spruce up the interface.
From what I can see, nothing has been added in terms of interface or options, although the look and theme of the menus have been tweaked to a high contrast, almost b/w negative image. Not that anything has materially changed from Fifa 08 to Fifa 09 in the menus or setting up your games. You still have your friendly games, the ability to take part in a year long league, or enter national and international competitions; plus the challenges ('win with ten mintues to go and two goals down' style) are there as well.
At this point you might as well scoot over and read the Fifa 08 review, so that we're all reading from the same page.
Right then, there actually is one major change in 2009 compared to 2008, and that's the control mechanism. It's been significantly streamlined in 2009, with only your direction keys and two action buttons. Previously there were a number of extra buttons for short passes and special moves. This has been rationalised to something that's a lot more arcade-like, and admittedly easier to explain and play.
I'm not the greatest at any FIFA game, so asking me if this makes the game any easier is rather like asking Girls Aloud if miming makes dancing on stage easier. What I can say is that I seem to be just as successful in terms of winning against rubbish teams (such as the Scotland international squad), and getting trashed by better teams than me (like West Bromwich Albion), so I'm going to say that it doesn't materially affect the ability to play well.
FIFA 2008 is broadly the same as FIFA 2009.
Interestingly, FIFA 2008 is still listed on the N-Gage web site at £6, with FIFA 2009 at £8, which begs the question - is this version worth an extra £2? That's actually a tough call, and luckily you can still grab both demos from the site to decide. If you've been playing FIFA 2008 extensively then I don't think FIFA 2009 offers enough 'new' to the mix. Yes, the individual challenges have been updated, but the loss of control buttons feels a bit like a backwards step.
Those new to either title will probably veer towards 2009, mostly through human nature to pick up the latest ones. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing to fault the new one (apart from the same things that faulted the older version). The fact that an EA title on the N-Gage is doing what EA titles do on every platform can be considered a good sign for the platform...

Below is the download link... Download and Enjoy.....

As mentioned earlier it is more or less same as Fifa 2008 but still better to go for higher number...
You can download this game using following link:
Click Here

Please note that, this game is cracked by BinPDA and can only work in hacked s60v3 phones.
You can learn how to hack your phone by just clicking here:

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hooked On: Creatures of the Deep - N-gage 2.0 Games

N-gage Game: Hooked On: Creatures of The Deep Cracked

Hooked On: Creatures Of The Deep is one of Nokia's flagship first party games, and one of the most eagerly awaited titles of the new N-Gage platform's launch. It's been published by Nokia itself, and the developers are the Polish company Infinite Dreams, who are well-known in the smartphone community for their acclaimed high-quality games such as K-Rally, Sky Force and Super Miners (all of which are available for N-Gage phones, just look for the versions labelled "Symbian S60 3rd Edition").HO:COTD is a sort of combination of a fishing simulator and a role playing game, with every successful catch earning you experience points (XP) that bring you closer to "levelling up", which unlocks new features, playing areas, items and even mini-games. You can just fish at random if you want, or you can choose to take part in a quest (usually to find a particular object lost underwater, or to catch a certain creature), or you can take part in tournaments which are held several times a day in the game world (they're offline tournaments against computer players, so you don't need an internet connection). All three activities can be done at once, so for example if you get bored of a quest you can go off to join a tournament. Hooked On: Creatures Of The Deep is great fun to play once you've worked out where all the options and status screens are, and it gets even better once you've unlocked things like the depth meter, extra tackle, and the other resort locations. People who invest time in this game will be rewarded.Unfortunately the game's designers haven't made it very easy to do the things above. The "Pause" menu is far more important than its name suggests, and the "Pocket" menu also needs to be much more prominent so people can easily find some extremely vital things like the tackle box. There really ought to be a tutorial at the beginning of the game taking the player through finding all these features, because progress will get very very difficult without them. Infinite Dreams know how to do tutorials, they have an excellent one at the beginning of their K-Rally game, so it's a shame they didn't make one for this game too. This is still one of the best phone games out there, it has great gameplay which suits long and short playing sessions, it has wonderful graphics, it has depth and longevity, the controls are simple and intuitive, and it brings a new kind of game to phones too.

Download This Game here:
Click Here
Note: This is cracked game, you can install this game to only hacked phones....

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fedora 12 - GNOME (Operating System)

Fedora 12 (Linux Operating system)
What is the Fedora Project?
The Fedora Project is a partnership of free software community members from around the globe. The Fedora Project builds open source software communities and produces a Linux distribution called "Fedora."

Our Mission
The Fedora Project's mission is to lead the advancement of free and open source software and content as a collaborative community.
Elements of Fedora's Mission

  • The three elements of this mission are clear:
    The Fedora Project always strives to lead, not follow.
    The Fedora Project consistently seeks to create, improve, and spread free/libre code and content.
    The Fedora Project succeeds through shared action on the part of many people throughout our community.

Our Core Values
The Fedora Project's core values, or Foundations, are set out on their own wiki page. We strongly believe in the bedrock principles that created all the components of our operating system, and because of this we guarantee that Fedora will always be free for anybody, anywhere, to use, modify and distribute.

Our Community
Fedora is more than just software, though. It is a community of contributors from around the world, including volunteers and Red Hat employees, who work with each other to advance the interests of the free culture movement. Everyone is invited to join, and no matter what your skills are, we have a place for you in our community! The Fedora community includes software engineers, artists, system administrators, web designers, writers, speakers, and translators -- all of whom will be happy to help you get started.
Our Method
Fedora is a center for innovation in free and open source software, and creates a community where contributors of all kinds -- developers, documenters, artists, system administrators, and other free software and open source enthusiasts -- come together to advance the ecosystem for the benefit of everybody. The Fedora community contributes everything it builds back to the free and open source world and continues to make advances of significance to the broader community, as evidenced by the regular and rapid incorporation of its features into other Linux distributions. Regardless of which Linux distribution you use, you are relying on code developed within the Fedora Project.
Why Is the Fedora Project Different?
We try to always do the right thing, and provide only free and open source software. We will fight to protect and promote solutions that anyone can use and redistribute. To this end, we use only free and open source software to power the Fedora infrastructure itself. With this in mind, all of our developers are focused on working closely with upstream, so everyone can benefit from our work and get access to our changes as soon as possible. Due to the huge amount of innovation that Fedora drives, this focus has had significant and long lasting effects.
The reverse is also true: by sticking close to upstream development teams, Fedora often gets the latest software before anybody else. Not only does this benefit our community, but it also benefits the upstream teams by providing a much larger audience and more feedback for them. Another striking difference of Fedora is our goal to empower others to pursue their vision of what a free operating system should be like. Fedora now forms the basis for derivative distributions such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the One Laptop Per Child XO, and Creative Commons' Live Content DVDs. And that's not all. It is just as easy for individuals to create their own distribution, thanks to Fedora's easy remixing tools. These tools allow you to quickly select the packages you want, and create live images for CD/DVD or USB, or installation discs.
Download Fedora - GNOME ISO from below link:
Click Here
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openSUSE 64-bit Operating System (Linux)

openSUSE 64-bit OS Linux (open source)

openSUSE is a free and Linux-based operating system for your PC, Laptop or Server. You can surf the web, manage your e-mails and photos, do office work, play videos or music and have a lot of fun!openSUSE is driven by the openSUSE Project community and sponsored by Novell, to develop and maintain SUSE Linux distributions components. It is the equivalent of the historic "SuSE Linux Professional". After their acquisition of SUSE Linux, Novell has decided to make the community an important part of their development process.Beyond the distribution, the openSUSE Project provides a web portal for community involvement. The community assists in developing openSUSE collaboratively with representatives from Novell by contributing code through the openSUSE Build Service, writing documentation, designing artwork, fostering discussion on open mailing lists and in Internet Relay Chat channels, and improving the openSUSE site through its wiki interface. Novell markets openSUSE as the best, easiest distribution for all users.[5]Like most distributions, openSUSE includes both a default graphical user interface (GUI) and a command line interface option. During installation, the user may choose among KDE, GNOME and Xfce GUIs. openSUSE supports thousands of software packages across the full range of Free software / open source development.
How to Proceed
After having successfully downloaded the ISO image(s), burn the image(s) with your favorite burning application to a DVD or CD. Please do not burn a data DVD/CD, but rather choose the option to burn an ISO image. More information
Boot from the DVD or CD. In case your computer does not automatically boot from CD/DVD, open the BIOS setup to allow booting from CD or DVD.

Instructions are available as follows:
Installation from DVD/CD:
Official openSUSE 11.2 Start-Up guide Step-by-step installation guide
Network Installation
Internet Installation
ISO Link to download:
Click Here
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Monday, April 19, 2010

Need For Speed: Undercover - s60v3

Need for Speed: Undercover retail Binpda s60v3

One more nice game to hang out with....
Need for Speed: Undercover falls squarely in the middle of those two camps. It's Meh; it's average; it's middle of the road (pardon the pun); it just isn't... exciting. And that's one of the worst crimes that any game can commit.
Let's reverse up a little bit. Need for Speed is a long running driving game franchise by Electronic Arts. Like many EA games, there have been yearly releases, each with a theme – Undercover is the 2009 theme, although fans of the series will realise that the idea of taking on various street gangs in zones of the cities feels more like Need for Speed: Underground Rivals than Undercover.
After the useful, if a touch bland, tutorial when you first run the game, you're given the choice of either a quick race (which takes you straight into the action), or to start an ongoing game with the career mode, which is where the meat of the game is.
Starting a new career sees you with a rather average car (the classic boy racer's Volkswagen R32) and a handful of dollars you can spend on upgrades to the car. Your career is very much a hidden one, taking on the street gangs in various suburbs of the city. And you take them on in the only way that boys know how – street racing.
There are a variety of styles of racing, from point to point races and circuit style, multiple lap races, to racking up as much damage as possible in the streets or ramming police cars off the road. On paper (well, text), it makes for a fascinating game.

This game will not work on unhacked phone. You need to hack your phone using hacking software. (check this link CLICK HERE to learn how to hack using Helloox software)

Download it here:
Click Here
Click Here

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TTPod 3.70 Player for S60v3

TTpod 3.70 Music Player S60V3....

New Features:

1. Decoded based on a new system architecture to improve performance and results, reduce the CPU occupancy and power consumption;
2. Increase environmental sound adjustment function;
3. Increase the left and right channel balance adjustment function;
4. Optimize most of the pop-up box interface display;
5. The new image processing engine, better display;
6. Increase the image rotation display;
7. To increase picture lantern display;
8. Increase the image rotating display;
9. Add "1" key shortcut menu;
10. Optimal adjustment of left menu layout;
11. Increase the power-saving mode;
12. Increase in night mode;
13. Increase by album name, by adding time to sort random ranking;
14. Increase the tag and mobile functionality;

15. Increase the smooth fast forward / rewind mode;
16. Increase the font Stroke effect;
17. Increase the font shadow effects;
18. Increase the font size and color of the lyrics interface regulatory function;
19. Increase the image storage directory customization;
20. To increase the transparency of regulatory function mini player;
21. Support "start play" and "Memory out of position" set separately;
22. Support the left-menu press the left arrow keys to turn off;
23. Optimize the speed list, scroll and flip;
24. Custom list add "Favorites" list by default;
25. Bluetooth to send support for sending multiple files at the same time;
26. ID3 editor cache optimization methods to improve save rates;
27. Increase the power, the progress bar handle and follow the syntax of animation, and more skin.


1. FP2 models to solve the problem of sleep shutdown mode is invalid;
2. Repair some models use JbakTaskMan forcibly closed by the program in the phone reboot problems;
3. Repair 3250/5500 and other models for music when the phone reboot problems;
4. Fix built-in image in the switch if they had not displayed when the screen or skin problems;
5. Repair part of the model image display area width ranging from pictures shown due to gaps;
6. Fix MPEG-4 AAC Audio Coding format, the problem can not play audio;
7. Fix more other details, not repeat them.


* N82, N95, N73 sound problems due to environmental hazards, have been shielded environment sound;
* Samsung models sound API call is invalid, has been shielded sound and equalizer options;
* N82, N95 backlight control to open the screen flashes when the cause has been screened the night mode.

Click Here

Certain FP2 phones like N79, N82, N96, etc. shows problem like SYSTEM ERROR! thats why you need to install a patch to run TTPod...

Here is the link for Patch to run TTpod.
Click Here

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Resident Evil: Degeneration - N-gage Games

Resident Evil: Degeneration - N-gage Games

It's another big game for the N-Gage - Resident Evil: Degeneration - and with it comes a lot of expectation. Not from the dedicated N-Gager, but from the huge numbers of general public that will see the name of the game and expect a third person shooter, with lots of zombies, fast action and running around real world locations.
This will only work in hacked s60v3 phone. So download and enjoy!!!!!
here is download link:
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